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System Integration Designers in FGT
How to apply
How to apply
Here is an overview of the application process for hiring a system engineer at FGT:
We are always looking for motivated and talented individuals to join our team. We would like to receive unsolicited job applications from you, even if there are currently no vacancies that suit your qualifications. All applicants will receive at least an acknowledgement of receipt, and a refusal if there is no suitable position. Qualified unsolicited resumes will be placed in the database. These candidates will be contacted if their profiles match with future vacancies.
You can find our vacancies on our website, local and international newspapers and the most common job platforms. If you have further questions about a job, please consult the contact person listed on the vacancy.
If you'd like to learn more about our company, here's what our employees have to say about working at FGT Systems Engineers.
View all vacancies for FGT Systems Engineer.
Email your application to the address specified at the bottom of the job advertisement. Please ensure that all relevant documents (e.g. CV, cover letter, proof of employment) are included with your application.
We start by vetting and preselection of candidates.
During this process, we collect feedback from relevant departments in order to select the best candidates for a specific position.
Your first interview will usually be conducted by an HR business partner and experts from the relevant department. Occasionally, an HR business partner may call you ahead of time for a brief phone interview to address some preparation questions.
The general structure of the first interview is based on a semi-structured questionnaire. Each interview will also include technical questions as well as questions about the candidate's background.
In some cases, you may be invited to take an online behavioural assessment.
This helps us better understand how you will fit into us and how your strengths will be best applied.
For most positions, a second interview will be conducted. This is done so that both the job seeker and the recruiting firm have a better understanding of each other's goals and qualities. Typically, HR business partners will be interviewed for a second time by line managers and/or managing directors.
The second interview focuses on technical details as well as personal skills and qualities.
If you have any questions about a job opening or the application process, please consult the contact person listed on the job opening you would like to apply for.