FGT think your best choice in the future
System Integration Designers in FGT
Vision, Values & Beliefs
At FGT, our passion is to contribute to improving the quality of smart life around the world.

At FGT, everyone is treated with respect and dignity regardless of position, race, religion or gender. The same applies to FGT staff and third parties.
At FGT, honesty is considered essential to professional relationships. That's why we continue the discussion.
At FGT, all employees are accountable for their work and responsible for their actions. Understandably, it is important to maintain commitment in terms of project scope, quality of service and timeline. Reliability is a prerequisite for building trust and lasting relationships within FGT and with third parties.
At FGT, everyone is treated fairly. Fairness is also the guiding principle of FGT's decision-making.
FGT not only pursues growth, but also strives to lead the market through quality. Therefore, FGT is constantly striving for engineering excellence. This is through a
- holistic approach to problem solving,
- a high level of creativity and creativity,
- The desire to continuously pursue improvement,
- strong drive and dedication,
- Diligence and perseverance
- Ongoing employee development programs,
- Knowledge management and capacity development.
To most effectively meet the needs of our clients, FGT employees collaborate as a team across offices located throughout the country. Distances, time zones and cultures are successfully bridged.
Sharing competencies, experiences, tools and capabilities is essential to best serve customers.
The great folks at FGT are making a difference! FGT's highly motivated employees want to stand out and contribute to FGT's overall success. Problems are seen as challenges, and finding the best solution is the goal.
FGT is committed to building long-term relationships and requires employees to see themselves as ambassadors for FGT.
FGT is a fully privately owned business with no obligations to banks, suppliers or any other third parties. Actions are always based on purely objective considerations and in the best interests of the client.
FGT is committed to sustainable development. FGT's day-to-day business activities and FGT's ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon and waste footprint deliver on this commitment.