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Flowmeter formula

How is the flow formula of the fluid in the pipeline calculated?

Flow formula

fluid velocityis inA measure of the volume of liquid moved in a certain period of time. The flow rate depends on the area of the pipe or channel through which the fluid passes, as well as the velocity of the fluid. If the fluid flowing through the pipeline is liquid, how to calculate the flow formula for the fluid is as follows

A = πR 2,


[R is the radius of the tube. For a rectangle, the area is A = wh,


w is the width,

h is the height.

Flow velocity can be measured in meters per second (m3/s) or liters per second (L/s).

The measurement of liquid volume is more common, 1 m3/s = 1000L/s.

Fluid velocity = area of pipe or channel x velocity of liquid

Q = Av

Q = liquid flow rate (m3/s or L/s)

A = area of pipe or channel (m2)

v = liquid velocity (m/s)

Flow formula problem:

1)The water flows through a circular tube with a radius of 0.0800 m.The speed of the water is 3.30 m/s. What is the flow rate (L/s) of water (L/s)?

Answer: The flow depends on the area of the round pipe:

A = πR 2

A = π (0.0800 meters) 2

A = π (0.00640 m 2 )

A = 0.0201 m2

The area of the tube is 0.0201 m2. The flow rate can be measured in m3/s using the following formula:

Q = Av

Q = (0.0201 m2) (3.30 m/s)

Q = 0.0663 m3/s

The following formula can be used toFlow rate converted to liters per second: 1 m3/s = 1000 L/s.

How is the flow rate formula of fluid in a pipeline calculated? first general technology co., ltd. | first general technology inc.
Velocity formula|L/S

Q = 66.3 L/s2)

2)The water flows through an open rectangular chute.The chute is 1.20 meters wide and the inflow water is 0.200 meters deep. The velocity of the water is through a circular pipe with a radius of 0.0800 meters. The speed of the water is 5.00 m/s. What is the flow rate of the water through the chute in liters (L/s)?

Answer: The flow rate depends on the area of the chute through which the water flows:

A = w

A = (1.20 meters) (0.200 meters)

A = 0.240 m2

The area of water flowing through the slide is 0.240 m2. The flow rate can be measured in m3/s using the following formula:

Q = Av

Q = (0.240 m2) (5.00 m/s)

Q = 1.20 m3/s

The following formula can be used toFlow rate converted to liters per second: 1 m3/s = 1000 L/s.

How is the flow rate formula of fluid in a pipeline calculated? first general technology co., ltd. | first general technology inc.
Velocity formula

【Calculation formulas of pipe diameter, flow rate and flow rate in pipeline design】

The following are some online formulas that will be used before the flowmeter is used in the design pipeline

Flow Rate Calculator | Flow Formula

Volume, flow unit online conversion

Pump Flow, Flow Rate, Pipe Diameter Online Calculator

Pressure Unit Conversion Calculator_Online Calculation Tool

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