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Construction of Weak Current Engineering in Collective Housing

Housing|Construction Company Achievements

Collection Housing|Construction Company Achievements|Adopting Smart Building Weak Current Design|Taiwan Construction Company|Vietnam Construction Company|China Construction Company|Designed and contracted by the Yiqu Design Team of FGT Multinational Group
Scrubber design

Organic waste gas treatment washing tower, acid mist purification tower improvement project

Design and application of vertical tube flowmeter for washing tower water pump: use FMG electromagnetic flowmeter / improve the problem of the old H-100F float flowmeter, effectively save maintenance costs, developed by Taiwan FGT Instrument Factory with 16 years of engineering practice experience, designed and manufactured by the engineering department, durable life Extend 5 years, improve maintenance and reduce maintenance cleaning and scrubber costs
Construction of Weak Current Engineering in Collective Housing

Tainan's Top 10 Recommended List of Low Current Manufacturers\Teaching Techniques - Don't Choose the Wrong Contractor

There are many professional weak current manufacturers in Tainan, specializing in providing various weak current system engineering and related services. The following are some recommended weak current manufacturers in Tainan: household weak current manufacturers, professional weak current manufacturers, residential weak current manufacturers, smart city weak current manufacturers, tell you how to choose the most suitable weak current manufacturer for you, classified by demand, scale, content classification - tips Professor - Don’t choose the wrong contractor foolishly
Dangerous Elderly Rewards-Smart Building Rewards

Smart building rewards in Wei Lao rewards | Wei Lao smart buildings

Wei Lao Smart Building: The smart building awarded by Wei Lao aims to improve the safety, comfort and efficiency of the building through intelligent design and technology application, especially for the renovation and reconstruction of old buildings. Integrating smart technologies into these buildings not only extends their service life, but also improves living quality and environmental sustainability. Here are some key design and technology elements of smart buildings:

Introduction to Smart Healthcare and Architectural Medicine

Smart healthcare and architectural medicine are two important contemporary concepts that together can promote the sustainability and efficiency of health care facilities. Smart healthcare uses advanced technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, etc., to improve the efficiency and quality of medical services. Architectural medicine is an emerging interdisciplinary field that combines architecture and medicine to enhance human health and well-being by improving architectural design and the built environment.
smart hospital system

Integrated smart outpatient system-the future of smart medical care-smart medical care | FGT smart medical care

The smart clinic call system is a type of smart medical care. It includes automatic pricing and registration, the ability to quickly find a clinic, a digital signboard with clear information for the clinic, mobile phone search for consultation progress, and an outpatient schedule to ensure patient satisfaction. Explosive. It can be shared among multiple clinics, with customized LINE online registration rules, diverse display content, and cloud progress display. The multimedia screen can play the progress of the consultation, replacing the traditional simple LED lights. According to the progress of the doctor's consultation and calling, combined with the online registration and schedule